Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Germany or Switzerland - is the same Gay Pride, a major event in the protection of the rights of gays and lesbians.German term for a gay parade.This event was called in honor of the first major revolt against the sexual minorities to discriminate against their police officers.The uprising took place in New York, on Christopher Street (Greenwich Village area) on 27 June 1969.Since then, Christopher Street Day every year occur in New York and since 1979 - in Berlin and Bremen.
В наше время CSD ежегодно устраиваются почти во всех крупных городах Германии. Nowadays CSD annually in nearly all major German cities. Самая большая гей-община проживает в Берлине, поэтому здесь мероприятие проходит с наибольшим размахом - к процессии ежегодно присоединяются более 50 тысяч людей. The biggest gay community lives in Berlin, so this event is taking place with the highest magnitude - to join the procession every year more than 50 thousand people.
Alessandra Ambrosio was born April 11, 1981 in Eriksen (Erexim), Brazil.Career Alessandro began when she entered the modeling courses in Brazil.Alessandro has entered into contracts with Revlon cosmetics, Gap, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani. Alessandro was involved in displays of underwear «The Victoria's Secret fashion show» in 2001,2002 and 2003, 2004, 2005.In 2004, the model has become a new collection from Victoria's Secret under the name «Pink», intended for girls aged 18 to 22 years.In 2000, Ambrosio, left the agency Elite girl, peremetnuvshis in Marilyn Gaultier.
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