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Richest Hollywood 2010

 Ten richest Hollywood stars who have earned the most money from June 1, 2009 to June 1, 2010. By the photos have captions with the amount earned.
Johnny Depp: $ 75 million; Sandra Bullock: $ 56 million

Ben Stiller: $ 53 million; Reese Witherspoon: $ 32 million
 Tom Hanks: $ 45 million; Cameron Diaz: $ 32 million
 Adam Sandler: $ 40 million; Jennifer Aniston: $ 27 million.
 Leonardo DiCaprio: $ 28 million; Sarah Jessica Parker: $ 25 million.
 Daniel Radcliffe: $ 25 million, Julia Roberts: $ 20 million.
 Robert Downey Jr.: $ 22 million; Angelina Jolie: $ 20 million.
 Tom Cruise: $ 22 million; Drew Barrymore: $ 15 million.
 Brad Pitt: $ 20 million; Meryl Streep: $ 13 million.
 George Clooney: $ 19 million; Stewart: $ 12 million.

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